Concerning us

Our values and visions

Living together

We want to create a place of peace and community that is marked by joy and love and radiates out into the world. We want to get to know and live new forms of community, grow together and unfold individually. The essence of the individual may flow into togetherness - so that the whole grows and flourishes.


We want to handle our resources with care, to operate ecologically and sustainably. We are converting the former standard agriculture on our grounds into organic farming. Our long-term goal is to achieve a high degree of self-sufficiency. We want to walk the earth lovingly and keep our "footprint" low. We repair, instead of throwing away, and operate sensible re- and up-cycling.


There is a lot of creative potential in the areas of horticulture, agriculture and seminar and guest operations. We want to promote crafts in general and strengthen the region with our contribution and our demand.


Psychologically and therapeutically trained people make their skills available to people who need time to reflect, to look back and look ahead in their lives. We want to live a culture of appreciation for each individual and take care of each other.

Education and research

Education happens all our life. We learn from each other and with each other. The young from the old and the old from the young. It keeps us alive and alert. We want to be a place where new knowledge from alternative research is shared, developed and applied.

Young and old

We want to dedicate ourselves to helping children and young people grow up and show them that they are valuable to us. We regard the wisdom of old age as an important contribution to combining the experience of life with the fresh creativity of young people. This enables a life-sustaining social development.


We are aware that art is one of the most important human aspects. It is the breeding ground for mutual understanding and spiritual growth. So we want to be a place where culture lives, where people meet and nourish each other, where they can have an exchange and educate themselves at concerts, plays and films. Through dancing  we want to grow and celebrate together!


Our community is not based on any particular religion or spiritual orientation. We want to live a universal spirituality and cultivate it individually. We practice compassion and mindfulness towards all beings.